Is Ice Cream Bad for Gout? A Quick Look at How Ice Cream Affects Gout

Is Ice Cream Bad for Gout? A Quick Look at How Ice Cream Affects Gout

Is ice cream bad for gout? It’s an important question to ask, especially if you love ice cream but suffer from gout. Certain varieties of ice cream, consumed in large quantities, can adversely affect your gout; for that matter, it can be detrimental to non-gout sufferers too.

Here are a few factors to consider when you feel the urge for ice cream AND you suffer from gout.

What Is Gout?

Gout is Inflammatory Arthritis
Gout is Inflammatory Arthritis.

Gout is caused an excess of uric acid in the body, which it makes when it breaks down purines. Purines, in turn, are found in your body and the foods you eat. Too much uric acid results in uric acid crystals (monosodium urate) building up in joints, fluids, and tissues within the body.

Gout is a type of arthritis, and unfortunately there is no cure. Flare-ups can be very painful, so the best way to avoid them is by paying strict attention to your diet.

Symptoms of gout are intense joint pain, usually the big toe, ankles, or knees. It can also affect elbows, wrists or fingers. The affected joint will be swollen and tender; the slightest touch may be unbearable.

Some of the foods & drinks that trigger gout

- Sugary drinks
- Alcohol
- Organ meats like kidney
- Certain seafood like scallops & mussels, or lobster & anchovies
- Red meat like beef & lamb

Avoiding purine-rich foods is essential. Steer clear of alcohol and many types seafood. Lots of fruits and vegetables are best, but there are certain fruits and veggies high in fructose, which need to be avoided as well. Some examples are apples, grapes, watermelon, asparagus, peas and zucchini.

Losing weight can really help in controlling gout. Reducing your body weight will ensure that the amount of uric acid also decreases in your body. Overall, the best diet is one based on foods that are low in fat and sugar and high in fiber.

How Does Ice Cream Affect Gout?

Generally speaking, ice cream does not contain substances that are high in purines, which causes gout. However, one substance that can affect gout is fructose, and fructose is what gives some fruits their sweetness. So an ice cream made with lots of fruit will have a high fructose content. Eaten occasionally, and in moderate quantities, it will cause no harm. Indulge too often, though, and the body’s uric acid will increase. This is bad news if you suffer from gout.

There is another, more insidious, side effect of ice cream.  Ice cream, especially premium ice cream, is rich in substances that cause weight gain. Chances are, you’ll add toppings, maybe some cream or chocolate or caramel sauce. Mouth-watering and yummy, but loaded with bad stuff. Ice cream like this directly leads to increase of body fat, which is harmful all around, not just for gout.

So Can I Eat Ice Cream If I Have Gout?

You can certainly eat ice cream if you have gout, but in moderation. An even better alternative is sticking to ice creams that are fat-free or low in fat. Many types of dairy products such as cheese, yogurt, milk and even ice cream come in low fat versions that are equally delicious. There are even studies that show low-fat milk and dairy can reduce uric acid levels in your body and the risk of a gout attack. The proteins found in milk assist in the excretion of uric acid, so drinking milk is actually helpful.

Ice cream contains some important nutrients, like calcium, vitamin D and vitamin A, among others. Although these nutrients are all needed for good health, the amount in ice cream is small; it is instead  accompanied by a large quantity of fat and sugar. Fat and sugar you want to avoid, so you’ll have to get your daily dose of vitamins and nutrients from other food sources.


Does Ice Cream Inflame Gout?

Ice cream, among other fatty foods, can trigger gout attacks, a disease traditionally associated with rich foods.

Does Ice Cream Increase Uric Acid?

When eaten regularly, high-fructose foods can lead to weight gain and increase fat levels in the body. Gout sufferers should avoid these foods, as they increase uric acid levels.

What Sweets Are Bad For Gout?

Many types of fructose include honey, fruit, some vegetables, and sweeteners. Fructose increases the body’s purine metabolism, causing uric acid levels to rise in the blood. It is best to avoid sweeteners high in fructose, such as honey, brown sugar, high-fructose corn syrup, golden syrup, and palm sugar. Make sure you can tolerate fruits, vegetables, and other high-fructose foods.

Is Dairy Bad For Gout?

Various studies have shown that gout attacks and uric acid levels are reduced when you drink and eat low-fat milk. It is believed that milk proteins contribute to the excretion of uric acid by the body.

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